Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's Do This!!!... again.

Ok so here we are an entire year later. I cant believe 12 months has passed. We started last year with a goal of paying of 75k in debt and made it to 40k. I'm not disappointed in our progress, since we had a few bumps in the road here and there. Our goal remains the same, to pay off our house and all other debt. Including Our house, and every other bit of debt we have, the total is $450,410.99. I know... ouch. Last year I decided not to list actual numbers, but this year I think it will be more interesting if I post actual numbers and progress. Later I'll break that debt into categories, but for now I just wanted to post the big chunk -o-rama. It scares me a little to look at that number, seriously. It really scares me to know that a little over a year ago, I thought that was completely normal and fine to be paying things off over time. Anyways, our goal this year is to pay off 60k in debt. I do have a 2008 mini van that I LOVE, and the kids LOVE, but we are going to try to get rid of it because we owe 26k on it.
I think for a long time, before I heard of Dave Ramsey, we were just like everyone else, thinking that debt was just a normal part of life. Car loans, house loans, student loans... just normal stuff, right? Well not really. Not at all actually. The debt monster is awful. Hopefully we can stay on track and our 5 year plan which started last year. So four years left, and I feel ok with our progress. Wish me luck and I'll be posting more on here about money saving ideas and ways to keep your budget!!

Happy New Year everyone!